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ADRIREC Project Launched

The international project ADRIatic ports for Renewable Energy Communities – ADRIREC, implemented under the IPA ADRION programme, officially commenced on September 1st. As an IPA partner in the project, the Port Governance Agency, together with eight other institutions from the Adriatic-Ionian region, will work over the next three years to develop a transnational approach to addressing the challenges of the green transition in ports.

The project aims to promote the transition to clean energy in regional ports by harnessing the potential of renewable energy sources. The innovative concept of energy communities in ports, which will be the focus of the project, is expected to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, improving air quality, and enhancing the energy security and resilience of ports in the face of climate change.

During the implementation of the project, various recommendations and innovative solutions will be developed with the goal of transforming regional ports into low-carbon hubs powered by clean energy from renewable sources.

The exchange of experience and knowledge with project partners will further intensify the Agency's activities in the field of environmental protection in ports, contributing to the introduction of clean energy in Serbian ports and terminals.

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