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International passenger terminal opened in Kostolac

Director of the Port Governance Agency Vuk Perovic, director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community Matej Zakonjšek, mayor of Požarevac Sasa Pavlovic and director of the Archaeological Park "Viminacium" Nemanja Mrđić opened the international passenger port in Kostolac on March 31, 2022.

Perovic stated that the terminal in Kostolac is the seventh international passenger terminal opened for cruisers in the Republic of Serbia. "The Danube has been a favourite destination for cruise enthusiasts for years. Passengers from America, Canada, Mexico, Israel, and Japan come to our country on cruises, and international passenger terminals connect us with the whole world. In this way, we bring tourists closer to the cultural and historical sights of Serbia. In addition, passenger terminals contribute to increasing local and total revenues from nautical tourism. Therefore, the Agency places special emphasis on their development. In the previous period, we invested funds in the construction of the infrastructure of the international passenger terminal in Kostolac and successfully selected the operator. Kostolac has the potential to become popular destination on the cruise route through Serbia, primarily due to the immediate vicinity of the Viminacium Archaeological Park. Having in mind the importance that passenger terminals have for the improvement of passenger water transport, we will continue to invest in their construction. In addition, we will intensify activities to promote Serbia's nautical potential. We especially thank the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, which also invested in the construction of this terminal, for their efforts to improve nautical tourism in Serbia," said Perovic, adding that the Agency's plan is to open the remaining international passenger terminals on the Danube and develop cruising on the Sava river.

The director of the Transport Community, Matej Zakonjšek, pointed out that the opening of the international passenger terminal in Kostolac is proof that the possibilities of waterway transport can be used in several ways and that the connection is something that creates new values. "I am especially pleased that the Republic of Serbia pays special attention to waterway transport and makes this type of transport reliable and sustainable. On the other hand, projects like this one enrich the attractiveness of their rivers. I am convinced that your country can soon be the best example of smart and efficient use of inland waterways not only in the Western Balkans, but in the whole of Europe," he said, adding that the Transport Community would continue to support Serbia in improving inland waterway transport.

The mayor of Požarevac, Sasa Pavlovic, underlined that the international passenger terminal in Kostolac is an important step towards the development of tourism in the Danube region in Serbia. "For Požarevac, this project is of exceptional importance. Along with the terminal, which starts operating today, our tourist attractions, such as Viminacium, Ljubičevo Stables, Peace of Požarevac and others, are becoming much closer and more accessible to tourists. Now we can finally say that our city, after many years, came out on the Danube again, and that it finally has a place where ships from all parts of Europe can dock, " said Pavlovic and thanked the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the Port Governance Agency on the implementation of this infrastructure project.

The director of the Archaeological Park "Viminacium", Nemanja Mrdjic, said that the international passenger terminal is the backbone of the further development of tourism in Kostolac, Požarevac and the entire Branicevo district. "Viminacium is one of our most important archaeological sites. Two thousand years ago, the formation of the Roman Limes began in this area, which is today on its way to becoming the most complex international world cultural asset under the protection of UNESCO. I am glad that we are returning Viminacium to the Danube and making our cultural heritage available to foreign visitors," Mrdjic concluded.

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