• Đerdap
  • Fotografija AUL
  • Luka Beograd
  • Reka
  • Golubac

The Agency prepared a Study on River Waste Management

Port Governance Agency prepared the Study on river waste management, the first of its kind in waterway transport. The development of this document represents the first step towards regulating the field of environmental protection on rivers and in ports.

The Study presents a legal, economic and technical analysis of the river traffic waste management system, that is, an analysis of the current state of waste management that is generated in the process of performing port activities - in ports, terminals and temporary transhipment sites.

In order to achieve a sustainable development of river transport in the Republic of Serbia it is necessary to provide efficient waste management while performing economic and other activities on waterways.

The study will enable the Agency to develop a well-founded policy, and later also a business development strategy in the field of waste management in ports, terminals and temporary transhipment sites.

This will enable launching of various projects in the field of environmental protection, the aim of which is to establish a system for the disposal and further management of ship waste.

You can find Summary of the Study HERE.

Important informations