• Đerdap
  • Fotografija AUL
  • Luka Beograd
  • Reka
  • Golubac

Visit to the Constantza port

Representatives of the Port Governance Agency visited the Administrative Authority of the Constantza port and the Administration of Channels of Romania.

The topic of the meetings with the management of the Constantza port was the continuation and improvement of cooperation, as well as the increase in the traffic of goods. In addition, the exchange of experiences regarding the management of ports and administrative procedures was discussed.
Romanian hosts in Romania's Administration of Navigation Channels presented to the guests a command center, which is monitoring the flow of traffic on the channel.

The participants of the meeting agreed that the turnover of goods between Romania and Serbia is increasing from year to year. During the visit it was concluded that The Constantza port offers competitive advantages that should be used, as in this way Serbian companies using the Constantza port will have a chance to development and connect with Romanian companies.

Посета луци Констанца
Посета луци Констанца

Important informations